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Most Popular Crisis Communications Videos: Video 1

A few years back I was running a series of videos asking subscribers some crisis communications and public relations questions. I would ask one question per week on LinkedIn and Twitter.  Next, I would seek their responses on social media, gather them, and then report on what they said the following week. It created an […]

ChemEdge 2022 Conference: Crisis Communications Presentation

Fast. Factual. No Fluff. The National Association of Chemical Distributor’s (NACD) ChemEdge 2022 conference is just two weeks away and I am putting the final touches on my crisis communications presentation for the event. Fast, factual and no fluff is the core message I’ll be delivering as we examine a specific case study in which […]

St. Louis Flooding: Crisis Communications Response

The St. Louis flooding presents a crisis communications case study worthy of your consideration. Here’s why… A flood demands you talk to your stakeholders to manage their expectations. Is all well? Then issue a statement that says, “All is well.” Are products, systems, or facilities compromised? Then manage the community’s expectations with a crisis communications […]

Crisis Communication Podcast: Factual, Fast & No Fluff

In this episode of PRSay, the podcast of the Houston Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America, Veronica V. Sopher Public Relations, interviews crisis communications expert Gerard Braud. First, we discuss how Gerard’s career path led him to being on the forefront of crisis communications, and how it is evolving all the time. Listen here: […]

Writing News Releases: Who Influences You?

Whether you are in the field of public relations, media relations, crisis communications, or corporate communications, you no doubt have had to do your fair share of writing news releases and releasing statements to the media and your stakeholders. You may have even had to write a public statement specifically to release on social media.