Virtual Train the Trainer
Media Training Course
When an interview goes badly, the fault lies with the trainer. Whether you are a new media trainer or a seasoned veteran, this program will help you “up your game.” Training your boss and co-workers can be a daunting task. We can help.
Because we are unlocking all of our media training secrets, we don’t offer this program to everyone who wants it. Each potential candidate will be required to go through a pre-screening call so we can determine if you are a good fit.
What is involved in our Virtual Train the Trainer program?
If you have to conduct media training for your boss or colleagues at work, the truth is, it can be intimidating. You can’t fear retribution because you are tough on your trainees. Likewise, you can’t go easy on them because you fear reprisal. As a trainer, you must strike the perfect balance of professionalism and toughness.
The revenue, reputation, and brand of your organization is on the line every time someone does an interview. If the interview goes badly, the media trainer has to take responsibility. Not everyone is cut out to be a media spokesperson. Sometimes, as the trainer, your job is to determine who should never be a spokesperson.
Whether you are a beginner or a veteran, we promise you’ll learn skills that will take you to the next level of proficiency.
You will learn how to:
- Master the concept of using preambles
- Develop a mind-mapping system that works for everyone
- Embrace pre-planned quote
- Adopt a philosophy of embracing verbatim sentences over ad-libs
Plus you will learn the traditional concepts of mastering techniques such as block, bridge, and hook.
But we’ll go much deeper than traditional concepts. You’ll learn to envision the final news report so you can manipulate the questions that are asked, the answers that are given, and the script or story that is ultimately written.
About your trainer
Gerard Braud, CSP, Fellow IEC spent 15 years as a front-line, award-winning television reporter. You may have seen him on CBS, NBC, CNN, or even The Weather Channel. Since 1994, he has worked as a media trainer and crisis communications expert for organizations on five continents. His vast experience on both sides of the media landscape will make you the best trainer you can be.
Don’t Talk to the Media Until…
29 Secrets You Need to Know Before You Open Your Mouth to a Reporter
Veteran journalist and media trainer Gerard Braud discloses every media secret he has learned. His career as a journalist a trainer spans more than 40 years. Learn how to control every interview, every question, and how the news report is ultimately written.