
Public Relations Tips: How Long Should an Online Video Be?

Earlier this week we polled social media to ask, “How long should an online video be?”

As corporate communications and marketing professionals, we all want our content to be shared and liked by the masses. We may even use online videos, such as YouTube or Vimeo to reach our audiences. But, what is the ideal length for an online video? Does it depend on the content of the video, the person delivering the content, or should the video adhere to certain public relations and marketing standards? Does it depend on which social media platform the video will be shared on?

Our experts have weighed in and now we want to hear if you agree with their tips. Comment here and on our social media pages to join the discussion. Your answers may be featured in our follow-up video!

This question is one of a series of debates in the media relations, crisis communications, public relations, and social media industries where you and your colleagues can share observations with each other. Yes, YOU are invited to share your bite size bits of best practices. Here is how:

Step 1: Subscribe to The BraudCast on YouTube

Step 2: You will see a short video that poses a new question every Monday. You then post your best practices and observations on The BraudCast YouTube channel.

Step 3: Once your opinion is shared, you can follow the discussion online so you can compare your best practices to those of your professional colleagues.

Step 4: Watch the follow-up Friday Video where you will see a short YouTube video outlining some of the most interesting observations. Yes…your comments may actually show up on our BraudCast video, bringing you world-wide fame, fortune, a big raise, glory, street parades, and more.

Thanks in advance for sharing your knowledge. Please take 2 seconds now to subscribe to The BraudCast.