NACD Responsible Distribution Code VII

NACD Responsible Distribution Code VII 

NACD Responsible Distribution Code VII  is the code that requires a chemical distributor to be prepared to talk with the media when there is an incident or emerging crisis.

If we were to put you to the test, would you earn an A-B grade… a solid C… or deep down do you think you would be a D or F?


Want to always be an A? I know 7 things you need to know to get an A when it comes to Code VII of Responsible Distribution.

I’ll be sharing “7 Keys for a Better Code VII” with members of the National Association of Chemical Distributors on September 21 in Princeton, NJ at the NACD Northeast Meeting.

When it comes to crisis communications and media interviews, we know Chemical Distributors and NACD members usually share several common issues, such as:
1. The company is small
2. Most distributors do not have a paid public relations employee
3. When an incident happens, most of the staff is focused on managing the incident,
without a clear designation of how to do crisis communications, i.e., manage the media.

To their credit, many NACD members have done some sort of Media Training to obtain their verification for Responsible Distribution. Many have watched my NACD Media Training webinar, but whatever you’ve learned in the past, chances
are we’ll show you some things you’ve never heard of before.

For example, did you know that you could write a news release in as few as 90 seconds with the software? And because is an NACD Affiliate Member, members receive special pricing discounts.

You see, the key to effective media management and effective crisis communications needs to be based on what you do before your crisis. The preparation you do on a clear sunny day is what helps you survive your darkest day.

If you are an NACD member, the N.E. Meeting has a packed agenda with great resources. If you can’t make the meeting, reach out to us directly and we’ll give you a recap of the presentation.


To set goals, talk about your crisis communication needs, and formulate a budget, schedule a complimentary, confidential call with me

Crisis communications and media training expert Gerard Braud, CSP, Fellow IEC is based in New Orleans. Organizations on five continents have relied on him to write their crisis communications plans and to train their spokespeople. He is the author of “Don’t Talk to the Media Until…” and founder of SituationHub crisis communications software.

More crisis communications articles:

When “It” Hits the Fan: Effective Crisis Communication for the Chemical Industry

Crisis Communications Tip: Don’t Let Bubba Be Your De facto Spokesperson  

Media Interview Secrets: 4 Steps Every Company Needs to Take in Order to Avoid the Default Spokesperson

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