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How Long Should an Online Video Be?

I’m polling social media this week to hear public relations and marketing professional’s best answers on, “How long should an online video be?”

There are a number of strategies public relations professionals and YouTubers use to lure in viewers to watch the entirety of their video. Whether they think the video should be 30 seconds or 60 seconds long is the question. Is over a minute too long? We want to hear from you this week!

Watch this video to learn how to participate in our discussion questions each week . .

This question is one of a series of debates in the media relations, crisis communications, public relations, and social media industries where you and your colleagues can share observations with each other. Yes, YOU are invited to share your bite size bits of best practices. Here is how:

Step 1: Subscribe to The BraudCast on YouTube

Step 2: You will see a short video that poses a new question every Monday. You then post your best practices and observations on The BraudCast YouTube channel.

3: Once your opinion is shared, you can follow the discussion online so you can compare your best practices to those of your professional colleagues.

Step 4: Watch the Follow up Friday Video where you will see a short YouTube video outlining some of the most interesting observations. Yes…your comments may actually show up on our BraudCast video, bringing you world-wide fame, fortune, a big raise, glory, street parades, and more.

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0 replies
  1. Valerie Andrews
    Valerie Andrews says:

    I’m a big fan of the “90 second rule.” I’d rather have 10 short videos from which to choose (or to watch all of them) than one long, usually tedious video. Some of it is attention span; some is time famine.


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