Braud Crisis Plans

Budgeting for 2016

Plan-to-FailBy Gerard Braud

For many of you it is budgeting season. You either ask for it now or you don’t get to do what you want a year from now. For others, it is that time of year where you have to spend unspent funds or lose them.

That being said, I’m standing by to assist you with your needs. If media training or a crisis communications plan is on your 2015 or 2016 wish list, please send an e-mail to me at

In short order you can have a quote. Plus, if you need assistance to make a business case for media training or crisis communications planning, I am happy to give you the best expert advice possible.

And don’t forget, if you need a speaker on either of these topics for an association meeting, conference, or convention, I’m happy to help you plan a program. Many of my program titles can be viewed at

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